Unemployment is so much fun!

Well, I’m back from Costa Rica. What a life changing experience that was. I surfed, ate good food, soaked in some vitamin D – forgot about the real world for a week.

Now that I’m back, it’s time to face the daunting reality that I’m unemployed for the first time in 8 years. I’m staring at a covid affected economy with limited opportunities and maximum number of applicants.

No complaining though… millions of people are dealing with the same shit. I just gotta pull myself up by the proverbial bootstraps. Fuck I hate that saying…

Remember, I said it was fun! It’s not… you start counting your savings and calculating how much time you can actually survive. It’s rather stressful. So, I’ve been applying to jobs like crazy, collecting unemployment and desperately tweeting at all my dream jobs to maybe get a foot in the door.

That’s right, I’m talking to you Barstool!

I’d love to hear all your stories from “funemployment” good or bad. I’ll keep you guys updated as I go through this process. Drop some comments below and maybe we can all help each other out!

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